Intel Composer XE on AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge (multi-tenant, on-demand instance) with RHEL 6.5

Specs: STAC-A2 Benchmarks (beta 2)

Stack under test:

  • STAC-A2 Pack for Intel Composer XE (Rev E)
  • Intel® C++ Compiler XE
  • Intel® Math Kernel Library
  • Intel® Threading Building Blocks
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
  • AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge server instance, multi-tenant, on-demand

This report is part of a study summarized in this Tech Note.

Below are the STAC Report, STAC Configuration Disclosure, and a SUT details zipfile that includes a sosreport (tar), cpuid, lscpu, and lstopo outputs from the SUT.

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The STAC-A2 Benchmark suite is the industry standard for testing technology stacks used for compute-intensive analytic workloads involved in pricing and risk management.