STAC-M1 Test Harness
This package provides the most current version of the STAC-M1 Tools and documentation packages.
The STAC-M1 Test Harness package provides a framework for consistent, reproducible testing of low-latency feed-handling solutions against the STAC-M1 v2 Benchmark Specifications and the STAC-M1 v2 Datafeed Addendum for Aggregated TVITCH 10Gbps.
Users integrate the test harness with:
- their direct exchange feed solution
- a STAC-M1 Consumer application
- a server with an Endace DAG card for playing back TVITCH data
- a latency monitoring solution capable of recording and correlating observations.
See the STAC-M1 Users Manual for full setup details.
The training videos provide an overview of the STAC-M1 benchmark and toolset, including background information on the benchmark, typical test setup requirements, the testing lifecycle, a demo of a stand-alone test and various tips related to configuration, system tuning and post-processing.
Please click the button below to request access.
Contact STAC at for access to the TVITCH playback data. The TVITCH playback file is 20GB and is supplied on portable hard drive.