STAC Report: Cisco InfiniBand Reduces Wombat Latency and Increases Predictability

Cisco IB cut 30-35 milliseconds off latency spikes. STAC has released a study of Wombat on Cisco SFS InfiniBand compared to Gigabit Ethernet. The system used Wombat's standard transport benchmark (Wommark) over Wombat MiddleWare. The setup used Tyan 2xDual Core Opteron 2.8 GHz (Rev F) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.4. In the benchmarks, Cisco Infiniband reduced mean latency by about 63% compared to Ethernet. It also reduced the standard deviation by about 34% and dramatically reduced outliers caused by request bursts, cutting roughly 30-35 milliseconds off of spikes. This meant that delivery of data through the InfiniBand solution was not only faster but also more predictable. Click here to download the report.

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