Big Data Use Cases in Banking and Securities

White paper draws observations from 10 workloads in investment banking and retail banking

Investment banking and retail banking often appear near the top of the list of industries investing in "big data" technology. Yet information about how banks are using that technology is sparse.

With seed funding from Intel, STAC® recently worked with several of the largest global banks to identify concrete use cases that pose big data challenges. By interviewing staff with direct knowledge of the cases, we were able to characterize the workloads involved and understand the business problems that arise with traditional technologies. We were also able to learn about the advantages and challenges of the new approaches that banks were taking to these workloads.

A new white paper summarizes some of these findings.

STAC is now working with the banks on draft benchmark specifications based on these workloads. The next milestone is an in-person meeting of the STAC Big Data Special Interest Group on June 16. Click here to learn how to get involved with this SIG.

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