Vault report: STAC-M3 (tick analytics) with kdb+ using Optane to accelerate 3D NAND

Unaudited benchmark results for a tiered SSD architecture

4 September 2018

Intel recently submitted unaudited benchmark results to the STAC Vault for both the baseline and scaling suites of STAC-M3™ on a stack consisting of Kx Systems kdb+ 3.5 database on a Lenovo ThinkSystem SR950 server with 4 x Intel Xeon Platinum 8180 CPUs and 3TB DDR4 DRAM, using 6 TB of Intel DC P4800X (Optane) SSDs in conjunction with 56 TB of Intel DC P4510 (3D NAND) SSDs. Mitigations for side-channel attacks (Spectre/Meltdown) were enabled.

STAC-M3 is the set of industry standard enterprise tick-analytics benchmarks for database solutions that manage large time series of market data (tick data).

The point of this project was to explore the potential of a relatively small amount of Intel Optane SSDs to accelerate a system otherwise relying on 3D NAND drives to store a database of decent size. So in addition to running the baseline (Antuco) suite of STAC-M3, Intel also ran the scaling suite (Kanaga), with its approximately 50TB database.

The reports and detailed configuration information for both suites are now available to eligible subscribers.

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