shakti 2.0 on a GIGABYTE™ R282-Z90 Server with 2 x AMD EPYC 7742 64-core CPUs accessing a DDN ES200NVX All-Flash appliance via EXAScaler 5.2.2

Type: Audited

STAC-M3 Benchmarks (Antuco Suite)

Stack under test:

  • Shakti Software’s shakti 2.0 database management system
  • 1 x DDN DDN ES200NVX appliance with:
    • 84 TiB total physical capacity (61 TiB usable)
    • DDN EXAScaler Parallel Filesystem 5.2.2
  • GIGABYTE™ R282-Z90 server
    • 2 x AMD EPYC 7742 64-core CPU

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The STAC-M3 Benchmark suite is the industry standard for testing solutions that enable high-speed analytics on time series data, such as tick-by-tick market data (aka "tick database" stacks).