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Audited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Intel SSD-based storage beats spindle-based benchmarks while using much less space

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Violin Memory 3200 Series Storage Arrays using flash memory.

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Violin Memory 3200 Series Storage Arrays using flash memory.

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Violin Memory 3200 Series Storage Arrays using flash memory.

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.8 with Violin Memory 3200 Series Storage Arrays using flash memory.

Unaudited STAC-M3 Benchmark of Kx Systems kdb+ 2.7 with Ion Computer SR-71 Application Server and SSD-based storage

Audited STAC-M1 Benchmarks of SR Labs MIPS Market Data Line Handler 3.7.0 with TVITCH 4.1 on two different Intel servers.

STAC studies SR Labs feed handler on Everest and Westmere processors.

Highest Point-to-Point Server output to date on a single server: 15.2 million updates per second from a single machine.
Solution based on Dunnington processors handles 67% more throughput than same solution using Tigerton processors
